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Tuesday 7 February 2023

Make Them Disappear

Dickie Continental is the new project from Red Snapper's Rich Thair, eleven new tracks based on the idea that first thought is often best and that simple ideas beat complicated ones. This song, Make Them Disappear, is sketchy and scratchy, blurry atmospherics, sounds conjured up from the dusk in the Welsh countryside and a slow motion drumbeat, an undergrowth of synths and organ and vocals from Jo Sims, a soulful croon of, 'I'll take all your troubles/ make them disappear'. The album Un... is out on Acid Jazz in April. 


Nick L said...

Great atmospheric stuff. They won't like this and it is a bit of a lazy comparison but shades of mid-nineties Bristol perhaps?

Adam Turner said...

Yeah, there's some of that in there Nick