Unauthorised item in the bagging area

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Mark E Smith

I've just seen a post by Dave Haslam on social media saying that Mark E Smith has died at the age of 60. He doesn't seem to have been in the best of health recently but it is still sad and shocking news. He was a true one-off, a maverick, a wordsmith and a visionary. He will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Devastating news. Awful. RIP mark. Playing The Ladybird as it all sinks in

Anonymous said...

I second that. Seemed like he would be around forever. One of those, "what's keeping him up" fellas.


Echorich said...

MES never held back and we all benefit from that.

Michael Doherty said...

Hard to believe that there will be a "last" Fall album.

Anonymous said...

To repeat what I first tweeted when I found out: Shit.

Anonymous said...

yes and if you want to know what true english folk music was. it died yesterday. RIP -w,b.

Jake Sniper said...

Bill Is Dead,the track that got my head round them and is still my favourite track

Swiss Adam said...

Mine too Jake.